愤怒的小鸟(季节版) 安卓版下载



  • 支   持:安卓,苹果
  • 分   类:手机游戏
  • 大   小:28.7M
  • 折   扣:4.0折
  • 下载量:858次
  • 发   布:2023-11-29 10:02



Join the Angry Birds as they celebrate unique seasonal events from around the world! Enjoy the addictive physics-based Angry Birds gameplay you love, but with an exciting seasonal twist. For the latest update, a lone slingshot rises to answer the Viking Pigs’ call for battle in a new advent style episode: Ragnahog! LATEST EPISODE: Ragnahog Play a new Viking-themed level from Dec. 1st through the 25th. – 25 new levels + 2 new Golden Egg Levels! – Terence’s Nordic cousin Tony visits for the holidays! – New quests and achievements! In addition to the Ragnahog chapter, download and enjoy: - 31 THEMED EPISODES (plus cool bonus stuff)! - 925+ LEVELS of pig-popping action! - UNIQUE POWER-UPS that give you the edge in tricky levels! - SURPRISE EGGS! Collect Four Stars (yes. FOUR!) in four hand picked classic levels during the week and hatch a surprise egg full of prizes just in time for The Pig Challenge! - THE PIG CHALLENGE! Unique weekend tournaments where you and your friends can see who's the best bird flinger! It's like Pig Days, but with friends! With over 2 billion downloads, Angry Birds is the most popular mobile game series of all time. Join the global phenomenon!

<愤怒的小鸟(季节版)>历史最低折扣为 4.0折起,当前实际折扣请以APP内显示为准。具体折扣充值步骤如下: 1、本页面下载APP——搜索愤怒的小鸟(季节版)——选择折扣版本(注册APP后显示折扣)并下载游戏——注册账号并创建角色——返回APP购买折扣代金券——在游戏内充值时优先使用代金券支付。 2、APP内能搜索到游戏但显示10折、不显示折扣的,可联系APP客服申请激活折扣充值的特权。


